Abstracts of recent publications
Abstracts available
Minns, C.K., Moore, J.E., Shuter, B.J., and Mandrak, N.E.
Chu, C., Jones, N.E., Mandrak, N.E., Piggott, A.R. and Minns,
C.K. 2008
Sharma, S., Jackson, D.A., Minns, C.K., and Shuter, B.J. 2007
Minns, C.K. 2006
Minns, C.K. and Wichert, G.A. 2005
Chu, C., Mandrak, N.E., and Minns, C.K. 2005
Chu, C., C.K.Minns, J.E. Moore, and E.S. Millard. 2004
Chu, C., C.K. Minns, and N.E. Mandrak. 2003
Minns, C.K. and J.E. Moore. 2003
Doka, S.E., D.K. McNicol, M.L. Mallory, I. Wong, C.K. Minns,
N.D. Yan.2003
Randall, R.G. and C.K. Minns. 2002
Morrison, H., C.K. Minns, and J.F. Koonce. 2001
Minns, C.K. 2001
Minns, C.K., Moore, J.E., Shuter, B.J., and Mandrak, N.E. 2008.
A preliminary analysis of some key characteristics of Canadian lakes. Can. J.
Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65:1763-1778.
Knowledge of Canada’s lakes is needed to manage environmental stresses. Lake
inventory and lake feature databases were used to build a national impact
assessment template and assess regional typology. There are ~910 400 lakes with
area > 0.1 km2 (10 ha), 37% of the Earth’s total. Lake features (number of
lakes by size class, maximum depth, mean:maximum depth ratio, Secchi depth, pH,
and total dissolved solids) were modeled regionally by secondary watershed
(SWS) using linear regression models. Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
occurrence was analyzed as a cofactor to highlight regional links between lake
characteristics and aquatic biota. Significant (R2 from 0.231 to 0.492)
regional models were obtained using area or maximum depth, lake trout
occurrence, and their cross products as covariates. Analyses of fitted SWS
coefficients showed that ecozones were a better predictor of lake
characteristics than primary watersheds. The national typology was consistent
with previous regional assessments. The regional models were used to estimate
the number, area, and volume of lake trout lakes by size class and ecozone.
There are ~66 500 lake trout lakes covering ~3 510 000 km2 primarily on Boreal
and Taiga Shield areas. Regional lake resource models will enable national
assessment of stresses such as climate change and invasive species.
Chu, C., Jones, N.E., Mandrak, N.E., Piggott, A.R. and Minns,
C.K. 2008. The influence of air temperature, groundwater discharge and climate
change on the thermal diversity of stream fishes in southern Ontario
watersheds. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65:297-308.
The availability of suitable thermal habitat for fishes in streams is
influenced by several factors, including flow, channel morphology, riparian
vegetation, and land use. This study examined the influence of air temperature
and groundwater discharge, predictors of stream temperature, on the thermal
diversity (cold-, cool-, and warm-water preferences) of stream fish communities
in southern Ontario watersheds. Site-level fish sampling data were used to
assess the thermal diversity of 43 quaternary watersheds using three metrics,
the proportion of sites within a watershed having (i) cold-, (ii) cool-, and
(iii) warm-water fishes. Our results indicated that 53.9% of the variances in
cold-water and 54.1% of the variances in warm-water fish distributions within
the watersheds could be attributed to groundwater discharge and air temperature
variables. Climate change scenarios suggested that watersheds with high
groundwater discharge and the associated thermal diversity of fishes within
those watersheds are less sensitive to climate change than watersheds with low
groundwater discharge. Conservation of groundwater resources will be required
to lessen climate change impacts on the thermal habitat and thermal diversity
of stream fishes in southern Ontario watersheds.
Sharma, S., Jackson, D.A., Minns, C.K., and Shuter, B.J. 2007.
Will northern fish populations be in hot water because of climate change?
Global Change Biology 13:2052-2064 (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01426.x)
Predicted increases in water temperature in response to climate change will
have large implications for aquatic ecosystems, such as altering thermal
habitat and potential range expansion of fish species. Warmwater fish species,
such as smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, may have access to additional
favourable thermal habitat under increased surface-water temperatures, thereby
shifting the northern limit of the distribution of the species further north in
Canada and potentially negatively impacting native fish communities. We
assembled a database of summer surface-water temperatures for over 13 000 lakes
across Canada. The database consists of lakes with a variety of physical,
chemical and biological properties. We used general linear models to develop a
nationwide maximum lake surface-water temperature model. The model was extended
to predict surface-water temperatures suitable to smallmouth bass and under
climatechange scenarios. Air temperature, latitude, longitude and sampling time
were good predictors of present-day maximum surface-water temperature. We
predicted lake surface- water temperatures for July 2100 using three
climate-change scenarios. Water temperatures were predicted to increase by as
much as 18C by 2100, with the greatest increase in northern Canada. Lakes with
maximum surface-water temperatures suitable for smallmouth bass populations
were spatially identified. Under several climate-change scenarios, we were able
to identify lakes that will contain suitable thermal habitat and, therefore,
are vulnerable to invasion by smallmouth bass in 2100. This included lakes in
the Arctic that were predicted to have suitable thermal habitat by 2100.
Minns, C.K. 2006. Compensation ratios needed to offset timing
effects of losses and gains and achieve no net loss of productive capacity of
fish habitat. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 63:1172-1182.
Minns’ (Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54: 2463–2473 (1997)) framework for assessing
net change of productive capacity of fish habitats in Canada is expanded to
include the effect of timing of losses and gains on cumulative net change. The
expansion requires establishment of a reference time frame for assessment. A
time frame of twice the project’s duration is recommended. Delaying
compensation actions while incurring losses early in a project increases the
levels of compensation required. The addition of future discounting had much
less effect on compensation requirements than the effects resulting from timing
differences between losses and compensation. As discounts apply equally to
losses and gains, they likely balance out over time. Delays between when
habitat alterations occur and when expected productive capacity is attained
increase the required compensation. There are advantages to starting
compensation efforts early in a development project. A case study of a
hypothetical northern diamond mine shows how various components of compensation
(replacement, uncertainty, and timing) can be integrated when assessing net
change. Consideration of all components of compensation indicates the need for
tougher precautionary compensation guidelines with ratios greater than the
current 1:1. Values of 2:1 or higher may be necessary to ensure attainment of
Canada’s guiding policy principle of no net loss.
Minns, C.K. and Wichert, G.A. 2005. A framework for defining
fish habitat domains in Lake Ontario and its drainage. J. Great Lakes Res.
Old and new paradigms for freshwater fish habitat science are examined and a
framework for classifying habitat domains outlined in the Lake Ontario basin.
The old paradigm emphasized static measures of both habitat and fish while the
new one emphasizes dynamic process-oriented metrics. Temperature, light, and
motion are the primary axes of the new paradigm and individual and population
processes like growth, survival, and movement are the preferred fish metrics.
The science that is contributing to the formation of the new paradigm is
reviewed. Habitat domains with relatively homogeneous features are identified
in lake and stream contexts and some of their patterns on Lake Ontario
described. Human and other disturbances to those domains are explored. The
correspondences between elements of the fish assemblage in Lake Ontario and the
habitat domains are examined. Lotic and lentic examples of fish-habitat
phenomena related to the new paradigm are presented. The paradigm shift has
implications for scientific and management activities in the Great Lakes. The
framework of habitat domains provides a basis for increasing our understanding
of the role of habitat in fishery productivity as well as a basis for
coordinating agency efforts to manage habitats for multiple use. There is a
need to establish and maintain broad-based ecosystem monitoring programs to
facilitate the use of habitat knowledge in decisionmaking, and to integrate
fisheries management and fish habitat management within the responsible
jurisdictions as a key step to implementing ecosystem-based management.
Chu, C., Mandrak, N.E., and Minns, C.K. 2005. Potential impacts
of climate change on the distributions of several common and rare freshwater
fishes in Canada. Diversity Distrib. 11:299-310.
Climate change will ultimately affect the supply and quality of freshwater
lakes and rivers throughout the world. This study examines the potential
impacts of climate change on freshwater fish distributions in Canada. Climate
normals data (means from 1961 to 1990) from Environment Canada were used to map
current climate found throughout the tertiary watersheds of Canada. Logistic
regressions based on these climate data were used to develop predictive
presence-absence equations for (a) common commercially and recreationally
important species and (b) an Arctic freshwater species and a freshwater fish
species of conservation significance listed by the Committee on the Status of
Endangered Wildlife (COSEWIC). The Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and
Analysis Global Coupled Model 2(IS92a) provided forecasts of Canada’s climate
in 2020 and 2050. The data from this scenario and the logistic regressions
provided a ready framework for predicting the potential distributions of the
fishes. Physical and ecological barriers would have to be overcome for the
distribution of these species to actually change in response to climate change.
Generally, coldwater species may be extirpated from much of their present range
while cool and warmwater species may expand northward. Species that are limited
to the most southern regions of the country may expand northwards. A conceptual
framework for assessing potential climate change impacts on fishes and the
variety of management strategies required to deal with these impacts are
discussed. Our forecasts demonstrate the need for climate change assessments in
species at risk as well as for common species.
Chu, C., C.K.Minns, J.E. Moore, and E.S. Millard. 2004. Impact
of oligotrophication, temperature, and water levels on walleye habitat in the
Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 133:868-879.
Recent environmental changes in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario, have coincided
with a decline in the stocks of walleye Sander vitreus. Suitable habitat supply
was estimated in three sections of the bay during the summers of 1972–2001 to
assess its role in the decline. An empirical model was developed to predict
suitable habitat area for walleyes based on their preferences for cool water
and low light intensity. The results indicated that lack of suitable light
limits walleye habitat in the bay. Walleye habitat in the shallow upper bay has
decreased at the rate of 34 ha/year since the invasion of dreissenid mussels in
1994, while that in the middle and lower bays has remained abundant. Walleye
stocks and suitable habitat in the upper bay have both declined since the early
1990s. However, this pattern has not been consistent through time and suggests
that other factors have also affected the Bay of Quinte walleye population. The
analyses developed here can be used as a tool to enhance the assessment of
walleye habitat dynamics in the Bay of Quinte and allow us to examine the
impact of oligotrophication on the habitat of an important recreational and
commercial species.
Chu, C., C.K. Minns, and N.E. Mandrak. 2003. Comparative
regional assessment of factors impacting freshwater fish biodiversity in
Canada. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 60:624-634.
This study presents a broad analysis of freshwater fish species biodiversity in
relation to environmental and stress metrics throughout Canada. Species
presence–absence data were used to calculate richness and rarity indices by
tertiary watershed. Richness is higher in the southern parts of Canada, whereas
rarity is concentrated in a “ring of rarity” around the periphery of the
country. Environmental and stress indices were developed for each watershed
using readily available mapped information. The environmental index was
estimated using growing degree-days above 5°C, elevation range (m) within the
watershed, mean annual sunshine hours, and mean annual vapour pressure (kPa).
The number of crop farms, forestry, waste management, and petroleum refining
facilities, road density (km·1000 km–2), dwelling density, and discharge sites
(chimneys and laundry outlets) per 1000 km2 described the human stresses in
each watershed. Conservation priority rankings were developed for the
watersheds using an integrative index of the three indices. Watersheds in
southern Ontario and British Columbia were ranked high because they contain the
greatest biodiversity and the most stress. This study indicates how regional
analyses can guide fisheries and watershed management.
Minns, C.K. and J.E. Moore. 2003. Assessment of net change of
productive capacity of fish habitats: the role of uncertainty and complexity in
decision-making. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 60:100-116.
Canada’s fish habitat management is guided by the principle of “no net loss of
the productive capacity of fish habitat” (NNL). Many development proposals are
assessed using habitat information alone, rather than fish data. Because
fish–habitat linkages are often obscured by uncertainty, uncertainty must be
factored into NNL assessments. Using a quantitative framework for assessing NNL
and lake habitats as a context, the implications of uncertainty for decision
making are examined. The overall behaviour of a net change equation given
uncertainty is explored using Monte Carlo simulation. Case studies from Great
Lakes development projects are examined using interval analysis. The results
indicate that uncertainty, even when large, can be incorporated into
assessments. This has important implications for the habitat management based
on NNL. First, schemas to specify relative levels of uncertainty using simple
habitat classifications can support robust decision making. Second, attaining
NNL requires greater emphasis on minimizing habitat loss and creating new areas
to compensate for losses elsewhere and less on detailing small incremental
changes in modified habitats where the fish response is difficult to
demonstrate. Third, the moderate to high levels of uncertainty in fish–habitat
linkages require that created compensation is at least twice the losses to
reasonably ensure NNL.
Doka, S.E., D.K. McNicol, M.L. Mallory, I. Wong, C.K. Minns,
N.D. Yan.2003. Assessing potential for recovery of biotic richness and
indicator species due to changes in acidic deposition and lake pH in five areas
of southeastern Canada. Environm. Monitoring and Assessment 88:53-101.
Biological damage to sensitive aquatic ecosystems is among the most
recognisable, deleterious effects of acidic deposition. We compiled a large
spatial database of over 2000 waterbodies across southeastern Canada from
various federal, provincial and academic sources. Data for zooplankton, fish,
macroinvertebrate (benthos) and loon species richness and occurrence were used
to construct statistical models for lakes with varying pH, dissolved organic
carbon content and lake size. pH changes, as described and predicted using the
Integrated Assessment Model (Lam et al., 1998; Jeffries et al., 2000), were
based on the range of emission reductions set forth in the Canada/US Air
Quality Agreement (AQA). The scenarios tested include 1983, 1990, 1994 and 2010
sulphate deposition levels. Biotic models were developed for five regions in
southeastern Canada (Algoma, Muskoka, and Sudbury, Ontario, southcentral
Québec, and Kejimkujik, Nova Scotia) using regression tree, multiple linear
regression and logistic regression analyses to make predictions about recovery
after emission reductions. The analyses produced different indicator species in
different regions, although some species showed consistent trends across
regions. Generally, the greatest predicted recovery occurred during the final
phase of emission reductions between 1994 and 2010 across all taxonomic groups
and regions. The Ontario regions, on average, were predicted to recover to a
greater extent than either southcentral Québec or the Kejimkujik area of Nova
Scotia. Our results reconfirm that pH 5.5-6.0 is an important threshold below
which damage to aquatic biota will remain a major local and regional
environmental problem. This damage to biodiversity across trophic levels will
persist well into the future if no further reductions in sulphate deposition
are implemented.
Randall, R.G. and C.K. Minns. 2002. Comparison of a Habitat
Productivity Index and an Index of Biotic Integrity for measuring the
productive capacity of fish habitat in nearshore areas of the Great Lakes.
Journal of Great Lakes Research 28(2): 240-255.
Habitat Productivity Index (HPI) and an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) were
compared as measures of habitat productive capacity for fish assemblages in
nearshore areas of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Forty-three species of fishes
were captured by boat electrofishing at three areas with contrasting
habitats-coastal wetlands, harbor breakwalls, and exposed shorelines. HPI and
IBI were correlated among samples as expected, but HPI was most closely
correlated with fish community biomass, whereas IBI was correlated with fish
species richness. The HPI and IBI indices differed significantly among samples
from the three habitat areas in both lakes, reflecting the differences in the
abundance and composition of fish catches. The ranking of habitat productive
capacity depended on the index: species richness and IBI were highest at the
coastal wetlands, and biomass and HPI were highest at the harbors. Results
support the contention that to effectively determine habitat productive
capacity, both the production and diversity characteristics of the fish
community need to be evaluated.
Morrison, H., C.K. Minns, and J.F. Koonce. 2001. A methodology
for identifying and classifying aquatic biodiversity investment areas:
Application in the Great Lakes basin. Aquat. Ecosystem Health and Managem.
A scientifically defensible methodology for identifying areas of high
biodiversity in aquatic environments is presented. Areas of high biodiversity
or Aquatic Biodiversity Investment Areas are identified using a technique
referred to as Habitat Supply Analysis. This technique uses the microhabitat
features of an ecosystem in conjunction with information on the microhabitat
preferences of fish to calculate the suitability of an area to fish. The method
is structured so that the suitability of habitat to lifestages of fish, species
of fish, groups of fish and fish assemblages can be evaluated. The methodology
recognises that to some degree all areas within an aquatic system contribute to
the maintenance of biodiversity. As such, a classification scheme is proposed
to evaluate the potential versus the actual contribution of an area to the
maintenance of biodiversity in an ecosystem. This classification scheme is
designed to help prioritise habitat restoration and preservation efforts.
Prototype evaluations of the methodology for identifying and classifying
Aquatic Biodiversity Investment Areas are presented.
Minns, C.K. 2001. Science for freshwater fish and habitat
management in Canada: current status. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management
Canada’s diverse freshwaters support a rich biodiversity of more than 200
species. Canada has strong legislation capable of conserving and protecting
freshwaters habitats. Fish are a key driver and indicator for restoration and
conservation efforts. Many of Canada’s freshwater species in Canada are thought
to be at risk. Apart species such as brook trout, lake trout, walleye, and
yellow perch, the ecology and habitat requirements of most freshwater species
are poorly known. Studies have mainly been descriptive and comparative but
experimental, ecosystem-scale integration, and modelling activities are
increasing. While science related to fish and their habitats is growing, little
is focused on the links between the production and dynamics of fish populations
and communities, and the supply and distribution of habitats at various scales.
Habitat management is still mainly reactive, assessing development at the
site-level with considerable uncertainty about the mitigation and compensation
actions approved to offset habitat losses and modifications. Communication
between science and management is improving. Canada has invested much energy on
cumulative impact assessment but effective methods for tracking cumulative
change and the interaction of multiple stresses have not emerged. Nonetheless
there is a broad consensus on the need to take an ecosystem-based approach to
sustainable use of Canada’s natural renewable resources, including freshwaters
and their fish. Management needs to shift to a more proactive approach
supported by better deployment of available science and scientific methods.
Science should emphasize quantitative whole ecosystem studies of fish and
habitat especially the development of models and experimental manipulations. If
current trends of fish habitat loss are maintained in Canada, further declines
in the quality and diversity of freshwater fish resources are certain despite
our apparent natural wealth. Modest investments in securing the future of its
freshwater fishery resources based on scientific advice may yet begin movement
toward an ecologically sustainable future.