Abstracts of recent publications


Minns, C.K., Moore, J.E., Shuter, B.J., and Mandrak, N.E. 2008. A preliminary analysis of some key characteristics of Canadian lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65:1763-1778.

Chu, C., Jones, N.E., Mandrak, N.E., Piggott, A.R. and Minns, C.K. 2008. The influence of air temperature, groundwater discharge and climate change on the thermal diversity of stream fishes in southern Ontario watersheds. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65:297-308.

Sharma, S., Jackson, D.A., Minns, C.K., and Shuter, B.J. 2007. Will northern fish populations be in hot water because of climate change? Global Change Biology 13:2052-2064 (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01426.x)

Minns, C.K. 2006. Compensation ratios needed to offset timing effects of losses and gains and achieve no net loss of productive capacity of fish habitat. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 63:1172-1182.

Minns, C.K. and Wichert, G.A. 2005. A framework for defining fish habitat domains in Lake Ontario and its drainage. J. Great Lakes Res. 31(Suppl.1):6-27.

Chu, C., Mandrak, N.E., and Minns, C.K. 2005. Potential impacts of climate change on the distributions of several common and rare freshwater fishes in Canada. Diversity Distrib. 11:299-310.

Chu, C., C.K.Minns, J.E. Moore, and E.S. Millard. 2004. Impact of oligotrophication, temperature, and water levels on walleye habitat in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 133:868-879.

Chu, C., C.K. Minns, and N.E. Mandrak. 2003. Comparative regional assessment of factors impacting freshwater fish biodiversity in Canada. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 60:624-634.

Minns, C.K. and J.E. Moore. 2003. Assessment of net change of productive capacity of fish habitats: the role of uncertainty and complexity in decision-making. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 60:100-116.

Doka, S.E., D.K. McNicol, M.L. Mallory, I. Wong, C.K. Minns, N.D. Yan.2003. Assessing potential for recovery of biotic richness and indicator species due to changes in acidic deposition and lake pH in five areas of southeastern Canada. Environm. Monitoring and Assessment 88:53-101.

Randall, R.G. and C.K. Minns. 2002. Comparison of a Habitat Productivity Index and an Index of Biotic Integrity for measuring the productive capacity of fish habitat in nearshore areas of the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 28(2): 240-255.

Morrison, H., C.K. Minns, and J.F. Koonce. 2001. A methodology for identifying and classifying aquatic biodiversity investment areas: Application in the Great Lakes basin. Aquat. Ecosystem Health and Managem. 4(1):1-12.

Minns, C.K. 2001. Science for freshwater fish and habitat management in Canada: current status. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 4:423-436.