Owen Minns Contact information Website: Email: owen@AT@minns.DOT.ca Some contact details are omitted from this public document. Please contact me another way. Education, Qualifications, Interests Barrister & Solicitor, called to the bar of Ontario Member of: the Canadian Association for Legal Ethics (CALE) the Advocates’ Society the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL) the [US] National Organization of Bar Counsel (NOBC) Conference-goer: for example, the International Legal Ethics Conference (2014 in London, 2016 in NY) Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in Toronto, Ontario Juris Doctor, Law Earned mooting prizes: Second Place Team in two national criminal law appellate Gale Cup Moots, 1st Place Oralist & 1st Place Team (Goodman & Carr Moot) Distinguished Oralist (Lerners Cup) International Intellectual Property Program at St Peter’s College, Oxford (summer semester) Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario Bachelor of Science (Honours), Psychology Focused on cognitive and experimental psychology, psycholinguistics, and statistics Bachelor of Arts, Computer & Information Science Completed while continuing to work full-time Interests Include Learning Reading Puns Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Computer games and theory Photography (open, textural subjects, with vibrant colour and high spatial frequency: see my website) Practical Experience Law Society of Ontario (previously the Law Society of Upper Canada) in Toronto Discipline Counsel, since 2017 (aside from secondment, see below), previously Articling Student and Associate Discipline Counsel Representing the Law Society fairly and resolutely in regulatory proceedings before the Law Society Tribunal and in court; prosecution of conduct and capacity applications Examining evidence gathered by investigators through the lens of relevant legislation, common law, and other authorities to make recommendations for the disposition of regulatory cases in the public interest; managing assigned cases Conducting thorough legal research and analysis, for case work and other priorities Drafting originating processes and other litigation materials (factums, motion records) Advancing the Law Society’s case in oral hearings (examining witnesses, presenting evidence, making persuasive arguments) Working with litigants in person or their representatives to reduce the scope of disputes, (drafting and negotiating agreed statements of facts and joint submissions) Participating in, helping to develop, and supporting a collegial team; assisting others Compiling a digital library and promoting its effective use; fostering paperless processes Special Joint Project Counsel, Office of the Executive Director, Professional Regulation, and Regulatory Knowledge & Evidence, as a secondment from 2022 through 2024 Supported the regulatory work of the Executive Director regarding emergent priorities Supported the business analysis and technical work of a Law Society-wide capital project Communicated with and facilitated coordination with other regulatory bodies and law enforcement, including outside Ontario and outside Canada Provided information and analysis for external communications from the Law Society Air Miles Reward Program (then part of Alliance Data Corporation, NYSE:ADS) in Toronto Senior Analyst, Strategic Planning, for two years immediately prior to law school Researched and wrote recommendations and reports for the senior management regarding financial and operational strategy, business modelling, market research Championed a reassessment of how to measure Air Miles market penetration internally and how it was reported to the public markets and securities regulators Senior Analyst (also Coordinator, Analyst), Operations, four years Managed key activities in the production of millions of collector statement mailings Earned awards, for example, company-wide ‘Spirit of Loyalty’ (when the corporate name was The Loyalty Group), two divisional awards from the CIO Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario Vice-president (Operations) and Chief Financial Officer, one year term Elected to provide executive leadership (strategic, financial, operational management) to the university’s primary student government, including its twenty businesses and service programmes (annual revenues then ~$6 million, 400 staff, 1000 volunteers) Further student service: Director (Media & Services); Assistant Manager (Publishing), Publishing & Copy Centre; and House & Projects Manager, The Queen’s Journal